May 21st 2012
About one year ago I wrote about the OpenGL/GLSL debugger glsldevil in the article gentoo ebuild for glsldevil-1.1.5 and provided a gentoo ebuild for it. Unfortunately glsldevil seems not to be available anymore from the web page of the University of Stuttgart (, which has rendered the ebuild useless.
Edit 29/5/2012: The original download site of the University of Stuttgart is available again.
Since the license of glsldevil permits redistribution, I decided to upload my local copy, to make glsldevil available for the public again. Unfortunately this only includes the Linux binaries (32bit and 64bit) and neither Windows binaries or the source code.
You can download the Linux binaries from here: glsldevil-1.1.5.tar.gz (2145 downloads )
For use with the ebuild, just copy the file to /usr/portage/distfiles/.

Posted in 3d, gentoo, graphics, linux, programming, science, tools | No Comments »
December 15th 2010
Some days ago I wanted to get some information on how OpenSceneGraph internally performs the rendering, to prepare for my B.Sc. thesis. Especially I wanted to know if it really uses Vertex Buffer Objects when I “force” Graphics Nodes to do so. Code analysis would have taken to long and would not have been proof enough for me. Thus I needed an OpenGL debugger. A nice one I found is glsldevil, which was developed at the university of Stuttgart. It can not only debug pure OpenGL, but also GLSL shaders.

For gentoo I found an old ebuild somewhere in the web and modified it for the new version of glsldevil. Here is my overlay including the modified ebuild: glsldevil-1.1.5_overlay.tar.gz (1607 downloads )
Download the overlay and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:
Then emerge glsldevil.

Posted in 3d, gentoo, linux, programming, science, tools | 1 Comment »