One hundredth article anniversary

We, the authors of are proud to celebrate an anniversary today. This is the one hundredth article published on this blog. But how does one celebrate such an anniversary? For sure, the best way is to write another article. Well, and perhaps drinking a beer or two.

Lets summarize some history. This blog, started on November 29th 2008 – roughly three years ago. During these years Thorsten and I had the opportunity to provide useful information, helpful scripts and programs to you, our readers. – At least we hope so. This way we have been able to give something back to the open source community that has supported us in so many ways. We have written about solutions to many problems, regarding the Linux operating system, we encountered. It would be to much to write if I tried to mention every single article now, but some have to be mentioned.  For sure the highlights, that can be found on this website are SIV, the stereoscopic image viewer and vrtrack the headtracking driver for the Vuzix VR920 head mounted display.  The most popular download until now has been the Iptables Mirror target, which I ported to 2.6 and 3.x Linux kernels. The kernel module enables one to create a more active Iptables firewall by returning the attack to the attacker. In total it got 5897 hits until today. In the beginning some of the articles were shorter than the more recent ones, but with time our knowledge and writing skills evolved and some recent articles are of quite high quality. We hope you have enjoyed reading the articles and got some useful insights and information.

For the future we hope to keep on this way and improve our skills, to write better and more useful articles and software and publish these on

“So say we all.”

Well, now there is only one last thing to to do. To say thank you! We have to say thanks to you for reading, and we have to say thank you to our company the GmbH for providing the webspace for this blog.

Happy anniversary!

best regards and keep on reading


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Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge

We support the January 18th Wikipedia blackout to protest SOPA and PIPA. Show your support here

Some other ways to strike from

On Jan 24th, Congress will vote to pass internet censorship in the Senate, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill – PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House – to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity.

See this timeline of SOPA and PIPA events and the activist backlash.

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Kernel 2.6.28 with thinkfinger

I’ve updated to zen-sources 2.6.28-zen1 and there is a problem in 2.6.28 with the fingerprint reader (usb) on my notebook. So I searched the web and found a bug report with a patch for these sources. I tried this and will tell you that it works fine for me. I hope this will be soon released.

  • Howto install the kernel
  • download the Patch
  • and then patch… $ patch -p1 < downloaded_patch
  • now rebuild the kernel and install it.
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MyGNU BLOG opened

This blog contains information about GNU (Linux). We are using Gentoo on our Systems and want to share our solutions on We are Jürgen and Thorsten of

To learn about gnu and linux and the difference have a look at

Perhaps you are also interested in viewing the gnu/linux film:codename_gnu_linux.avi

GNU is an acronym for GNU’s Not Unix. One knowing the difference between GNU and Linux could also say GNL – GNU’s Not Linux 😉

In spite of that we will also use common speech and say Linux when we really mean GNU/Linux.

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